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The following surveys are available for public access:
- Social and affective factors in home language maintenance – Croatian in Australia (Caregivers)
- Social and affective factors in home language maintenance – Croatian in Australia (Adult Learners)
- Bridging Course Survey Session 1 2021
- Biology L&T needs analysis
- Molecular Sciences L&T Needs Analysis
- Engineering L&T Needs Analysis
- Computing L&T Needs Analysis
- Earth & Environmental Sciences L&T Needs Analysis
- Maths & Stats L&T Needs Analysis
- Physics & Astronomy L&T Needs Analysis
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) workforce in ECE sector
- Photographs in Sustainability Reporting v. 3
- test 3
- Second Survey of CALD workforce in ECE sector
- Examining the untranslatability of culture-specific syndromes in interpreter-mediated healthcare communication
- Attitudes towards fur seals in Sydney Harbour
- Reception Study of the Spanish Translations of Literary Texts
- Understanding Inclusive Education Knowledge and Practices
- QALY excecise
- PhD Workshop for Women_Registration
- Exploring Melisma in Contemporary Popular Music Singing Styles
- QALY Exercise MUCHE